Thursday, May 13, 2010

'Bodia Trip Moments...

Fun quptes like:
-"Beyond Special"
Randomness like:
-Royal D
-Heather's fascination with Connor's roommate, Johnny Appleseed
-Scott makes threats that are ridiculous..."I"ll kick you the shin..."
-Scott--"you can be in love with a person even if that person is engaged all ready...I mean...just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu!"
-Sand Ice in all flavors...Scott's work to get the first bite of everyone's to make sure they were ok. Protect and Serve...that's his motto.
-I rode on the back of a moto with Jen through the streets...awesome taste of daily life here.
-we liked do things that will clear the safety measures of WWPGS...What Would Patti Goldsmith I wore a helmet on my short motor ride.
-Cricket catching plastic in the farms
-Growing mushrooms in plastic bags
-Connor's backpack full of the's heavier than my suitcase
-Ipods shared in the back of the bus
-Great food...some are better with chopsitcks than others
-A ride in a tuk-tuk...a cart pulled by a motorcycle
-Pineapple goodness in all forms
-Abigail's parents, she says "Hi."
-Heather looks really good when she sweats...or so she says.
-Kyla...I wish I knew the European size for 7 and a hlaf...if I'd had internet then, I wouldn't have made a bad purchase...did I just give away my surprise? maybe...

more later!


  1. The fact that Xander (whom I'm assuming you mean when you refer to Connor's roomate) is Johnny Appleseed makes me unbelievably happy and so does Connor's backpack. I hope you are all having an amazing time. *hugs and prayers*

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time with marvelous moments. Thanks for sharing with us! Love to you all from Syracuse, IN! -Caitlin (Connor's "little" sister)

  3. Ash,

    Women's Suits, Dresses and Coats

    Amer. Brit. Euro.
    2..... 6....... 36
    4..... 8....... 38
    6..... 10...... 40
    8..... 12...... 42
    10... 14...... 44
    12... 16...... 46
    14... 18...... 48

    Women's Shoes

    Amer...... Brit........ Euro......
    6 ........... 4 1/2..... 36
    6 1/2...... 5........... 37
    7............ 5 1/2..... 37 1/2
    7 1/2...... 6........... 38
    8............ 6 1/2..... 38 1/2
    8 1/2...... 7........... 39
    9............ 6 1/2..... 40
    9 1/2...... 7........... 41

    Hope this helps!

    Love, Dad

  4. ah! can't wait to hear all of the stories!! hope you can remember everyone one House-oh, cause I want to hear them all! still praying for a great rest of the time :)
